Kathy Chen Millstead, "Sue Spaid Boywatching Blind," 2001
Rob Pruitt, "Kitlers," 2010
In the wake of 9/11, Kahty flew to London with one thing on her mind, the chance for two gals to cloak themselves in this glittery get-up and spy on guy through slits cut in the front and back. After the voyeur detected her desired prey through the peephole, her "wingman" could either capture that fellow on camera or videotape Londoners "ogling" these gals in dismay.
Strangely unassuming, "Kitlers" (2010) presents a wall of cats “impersonating” Hitler (a type of cat-acting). Found online, the proliferation of such images via the Internet exemplifies its role in generating and dispersing myriad antics en masse, most notably via www.youtube.com.
Strangely unassuming, "Kitlers" (2010) presents a wall of cats “impersonating” Hitler (a type of cat-acting). Found online, the proliferation of such images via the Internet exemplifies its role in generating and dispersing myriad antics en masse, most notably via www.youtube.com.
Copyright 2017 Sue Spaid