Hans de Vries, Zonder Titel (1970) and "Zonder Titel" (with Hans van Vliet) (1970)
For "Situaties in de Waag," a 1970 exhibition in Almelo, NL; Hans de Vries collaborated with Hans van Vliet on a "peat performance," whereby they replaced parts of the sidewalk with peat moss. This action is remarkable for several reasons, though it's unlikely that these artists fully understood its implications back then. Nederland is sinking 1m per century, as a result of several centuries of peat moss evaporation from wetlands, which is why some agricultural lands are being "returned" to wetlands. The artists' idea to replace cobblestones with peat tiles anticipated peat moss' twin roles as the most efficient carbon sink and a much-needed sponge for absorbing stormwater runoff.
Copyright 2017 Sue Spaid