"Heating Up" installation shot
Clockwise left to right: Kaat Van Doren, "Bitumina series, Fig. 1 to 24 (of 32)" (2017); Isabel Fredeus "Under the Weather #2" (2018), Fredeus "Mutable Surroundings (Janus)” Van Doren "Mirror Noir" documentary (2017), 5'10"; Van Doren, “Never-ending fig. 1 150518” (2018), Van Doren, “Mirror Noir ‘inside’ (17092017) 11:18” (2018), Van Doren, “Mirror Noir (10092017) 13:05 (2018), Van Doren “Bitumina Figs. 1 and 26” (2018), Fredeus “Under the Weather #1” (2018) and Fredeus “Water in Progress” (2015/2019).
Copyright 2017 Sue Spaid