Jean-François Paquay, "9P-8V3," August 2017
Cour Solanus, Sittard, NL
Since 2012, Jean-François Paquay has found numerous ways to improve upon urban farming. First, he spent several years perfecting the Portager® (portable potager), a 30cm x 30cm basket, whose handy scale facilitates: portability, biointensive farming, and multi-species co-existence. If you look inside the off-the-shelf frame, you will notice nine portagers. In addition to crafting his own artisinal soil and adding drainage, enabling the recycling of excess water, Paquay has tested various versions in multiple locales, though this is his first time to cover it with a structure (octahedron-frequency 3) inspiring running beans. At least 12 species live here.
Copyright 2017 Sue Spaid